Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lamb Treat!

Lamb is sooo good!!! If someone tells you it isn't, then they haven't had properly prepared lamb! It's actually extremely fatty so that's why Glenn and I usually have lamb on special occasions or on "oh what the hell" days. We got a pound of lean cut lamb at Whole foods and instead of following a recipe, I did my own thing!

It actually came out pretty delicious. I marinated the lamb overnight in soysauce and brown sugar. I cut up some onions, mushrooms, and cooked the lamb in additional soysauce, cinnamon, rosemary, salt, pepper, and a dash of cumin. Served it with some brown rice and broccoli (Glenn's favorite)! The lamb was so tender! It wasn't dry at all! The dish was a pretty sweet dish so I think next time I'll go easier on the brown sugar but increase the saltiness with some Worcestershire sauce!

LAMB IS YUMMY! Good bye!

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