Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuscan Roasted Chicken and Vegetables

I admit it, I haven't been cooking alot of new recipes lately. That's why on my first weekday off I decided to cook something for Glenn. He was on call the night before so I wanted to cook him something easy (for me) but healthy (for his sake). I found a recipe for Tuscan Roasted Chicken and Vegetables and decided to give it a try.

Cut up some zucchini, onions, roma tomatoes and mix with olive oil, rosemary, salt and pepper.

Top with chicken breast that had a coating of garlic, olive oil, lemon juice.

Baked for 40 minutes with a midway tossing of vegetables.

The veggies were great! I love the flavor of cooked fresh vegetables with olive oil. The chicken? :( I tend to over cook chicken because I HATEEEE raw chicken or undercooking it. It was a bit dry :( But the flavor was there...but still dry.


  1. if you sear the chicken in hot olive oil for about 3-4 min/side and THEN finish it in the oven it stays moist

  2. i concur with what jen said about the sear on the chicken. next time marinade the chicken in lemon juice, lemon wedges, olive oil, salt & pepper, & rosemary. doing this will help maintain juiciness of the chicken. still looks good though!

  3. Great info jen. I usually just bake it but next time I'll sear it first if it's a big piece of chicken. I'll probably end drying it out though cause I tend to leave chicken in the oven 5 minutes longer than neccessary because I'm scared bacteria. I usually marinate my chicken overnight Chris, but I decided to just follow this recipe which didn't require yet. I'll trust my insticts next time!
